Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vientiane, Laos

After Siem Reap, I flew to Vientiane, Laos. The capital sits on the Mekong on the border between Laos and Thailand. Laos may be my favorite country of travels. There was something so relaxing about it after the pace of Cambodia.

As soon as I arrived in Laos, I felt as my internal clock slowed down. The country is made for taking it slow and taking it all in.

On the plane, I recognized a friend of a friend who was also traveling in Southeast Asia. So with a few new friends I explored Laos for ten days. In Vientiane, we put down our bags and found a rickety wooden bar over looking the Mekong and into Thailand. Best spring rolls, I had eaten in sometime.

There's not much in Vientiane, we ventured on a local bus out to the Buddha Park, pictures below will explain the name. IN Cambodia, I found people friendly, once you greeted them. The difference is, in Laos, everyone smiles at you first.

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